Where do I access the files and membership content?

You have an account on Rachel's two websites. One is YourHealthCoachBiz.com where you bought the product and the other is https://Rockstar.RachelaFeldman.com where the products are located. You will get an email for both accounts after you complete your checkout. 

To access the products you bought, go to https://rockstar.rachelafeldman.com/member-login. The login username and password to the member portal was sent in a Welcome Email for the https://Rockstar.RachelaFeldman.com website. If you cannot locate this email in your inbox, you can reset your password.

To reset your password, go to https://rockstar.rachelafeldman.com, click the "LOST YOUR PASSWORD" link at the bottom of the log-in box and enter your email address.

After you log-in, you will be redirected to the DASHBOARD. If your page did not redirect to the DASHBOARD and shows the page screenshot below, simply hit the DASHBOARD link to go to the page.

On your DASHBOARD, you'll find links to guide you, your program/s and resources. Click "MY PROGRAMS" at the top navigation to access any product you purchased.